Paper Crown Rwanda is a feminist non-profit organization that works with youth to transform gender norms, foster leadership and create lasting social change.

Gender inequality is created and reinforced by social beliefs about the value and role of girls and boys, men and women, in any given community. It is these beliefs, passed down from generation to generation, that are the fundamental driving forces behind some of the world's most pressing development issues, including persistent poverty, slow economic growth and widespread violence.

Despite decades of investment in addressing these problems, the deeply-held beliefs that contribute to them are rarely targeted. We know that to break the intergenerational cycle of gender discrimination and violence, we need to engage youth, particularly adolescent girls, in critical conversations around gender, power,
social equality, and community leadership.

Support Paper Crown Rwanda with a donation today!

Our Flagship Project: My Voice, My Power

My Voice, My Power is our powerful new program, that breaks down gender norms, affirms girls’ rights, challenges violence and brings GESD (Girl Empowerment Self Defence) training to Rwanda for the first time. Since 2020, we’ve been running multiple cycles of MVMP every year and are thrilled at the results.

To find out more about this groundbreaking new model that will build on already impressive results from innovative new approaches being implemented across Africa, click below!

Previous Projects

The Queen’s Gambit was a unique 12-week program for adolescent girls in Rwanda, using chess to foster a plethora of developmental skills within a holistic gender-focused capacity building process. Girls learned to think critically, challenge norms, develop their problem solving skills, and strengthen their analysis abilities - all of which are essential in life.

Thanks to the generous support of the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation, we’ve been able to run
three cycles of The Queens Gambit so far!

Watch our video below, and find out more about The Queen’s Gambit in Rwanda!

Meet the Team

Meet Paper Crown’s new Executive Director, Gisele Umutoni, and our other amazing staff and board members!

Head over to our About Us page to find out more about what motivates this team to change Rwanda’s mindset around gender one community at a time.